Search for: Scholarship

A movie could be made about Corey Koskie’s path to the big leagues. Born in the small town of Anola, Manitoba, Koskie played hockey, baseball, and volleyball. At the age of 18, he earned a scholarship to play for the University of Manitoba’s Men’s Volleyball Team, and was committed to focus on volleyball full-time in…

The Value of Sport What does sport mean to you? A question that, if explored, gets down to the root of how it provides value in your life. Is sport the adventure of striving to reach the podium, the rush of coaching your team to the playoffs, or the sense of camaraderie you feel with…

When you look at an accomplished athlete or coach with many accolades in their sport, you might think that, to reach that level, they must have dedicated themselves exclusively that one sport throughout their lives. But participating in a variety of sports, in many cases, can significantly contribute to an athlete or coach’s success.  …

There has been an ongoing debate in sport for years: does an athlete play one sport year-round from a young age to stay ahead of the competition, or do they play multiple sports and specialize in their favourite sport later on in their youth?  There are many factors to consider here, but first let’s look…

The Manitoba Action Plan for Sport (MAPS) is a five-year strategic plan outlining focus areas for funding, development, and sustainability of sport programs. Sport Manitoba began this process in 1999 to ensure a collective vision and common goals for the entire sport community in Manitoba. In the 2020-2025 plan, the focus areas are Athlete Development,…

Official of the Year Nominees: Peter Manastyrsky  – Soccer Peter Manastyrsky is a National Assistant Soccer Referee. In 2019, he officiated for the Canadian Premier League. He worked Valour FC games in Winnipeg, but also travelled across Canada to officiate other matches. His top three assignments for 2019 included a Canadian championship game, an International…

As a young teen, Abby Dent was looking to get involved in another sport. The all-round athlete already played hockey and volleyball but was interested in trying something totally new. Rowing Canada came to her school and did some basic testing with students in gym class. They took note of Dent’s height and then her…

  Sport Manitoba partners with more than 100 organizations to deliver sport in the province, and is responsible for all kinds of programs, services, and events that happen year-round for people of all ages who love sport and who seek to lead active, healthy lives. The Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame, Fit Kids Healthy Kids,…

Athlete Resources Support for all aspects of an athlete’s journey. Sport Manitoba Performance Learn about our full menu of services to help athletes of all training levels. Sport Manitoba Performance is one of the province’s premiere training fascilities. The Performance Centre offers state-of-the-art equipment and personalized work-out programs for professional and amateur athletes. Mental, physical,…

Funding Scholarships Paving the way for bright futures through sports Sport Manitoba, its partners, as well as local and national philanthropists offer a number of scholarships annually, with the shared goal of highlighting athletic success in the province and providing opportunities for those involved in sport to continue growing within their chosen discipline. Application deadline…