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Concussions can occur while participating in any sport or recreational activity. Since the circumstances under which a concussion can be sustained are so varied, it’s important for all coaches, parents, and athletes to be aware of the signs, symptoms, and what to do if a concussion occurs.
Sport Manitoba is committed to increasing education and awareness that will assist in gaining the knowledge and skills required to ensure the safety of athletes. Sport Manitoba is working with Provincial Sport Organizations to establish protocols and consistent information. We all need to work together to ensure a safe sport environment.
What is a concussion?
A concussion is a brain injury that cannot be seen on routine x-rays, CT scans or MRIs. Any blow to the head, face, neck, or a blow to the body that jars the head, could cause a concussion.
Concussion Education Sheet
What is a concussion, what causes a concussion, what are the signs of symptoms, what should I do if I suspect a concussion and how long will recovery take...all these questions and more are answered in our Pre-Season Handout. Please read and share this Concussion Education Sheet.
Concussion Baseline Testing Recommendations
This document can be used as a guide for concussion baseline testing among young athletes (18 and under) in Manitoba. Relevant to athletes, parents, coaches, trainers and other sport stakeholders. Download and save the Sport Manitoba Baseline Testing Document
Medical Assessment Letter
This document can be used by a Physician or Nurse Practitioner to confirm an athlete's concussion diagnosis. Please have this document available to take to medical appointments. Download and save the Medical Assessment Letter.
Return to Play Guidelines
A concussion is a serious event, but you can fully recover from such an injury if the brain is given enough time to rest and recuperate. Returning to normal activities, including sport participation, is a stepwise process that requires patience, attention, and caution. Please download and save our Return to Play Guidelines
Medical Clearance Letter
Athletes who are diagnosed with a concussion should be managed according to the Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport including the Return-to-School and Return-to-Sport Strategies. No athlete that has been diagnosed and is being treated for a concussion can be “returned to play” without presenting this Medical Clearance Letter.
A concussion is a common form of head and brain injury and can be caused by a direct or indirect hit to the head or body (e.g., a car crash, fall, or sport injury). This causes a change in brain function, which results in a variety of symptoms. With a concussion there is no visible injury to the structure of the brain, meaning that tests like MRI or CT scans usually appear normal.
When a person suffers a concussion, the brain suddenly shifts or shakes inside the skull. It is not yet known exactly what happens to brain cells in a concussion, but the mechanism appears to involve a change in biological functioning.
In the minutes to days following a concussion, brain cells remain in a vulnerable state. New research emphasizes that the problem may not be the structure of the brain tissue itself, but how the brain is working. The exact length of this change is unclear. During this time, the brain does not function normally on a temporary basis and is more vulnerable to a second head injury.
Most concussions occur as a result of a collision with another object while the object or person is moving at a high rate of speed. Forces such as these (and others) can result in concussions.
It is important to seek medical assessment immediately after a high impact hit to the head or body. Often, concussions can go untreated (and even unnoticed by others) because symptoms are unreported or unrecognized.
Although symptoms may not be immediately apparent, it is important to be aware of possible physical, cognitive, and emotional changes. Symptoms may actually worsen throughout the day of the injury or even the next day. Without proper management, a concussion can result in persistent symptoms that can seriously affect one's quality of life.
Because a concussion can occur in sport and non-sport settings it is important that others be aware of the signs and symptoms of concussions in order to help identify the injury in others. Individuals should be removed immediately from the current activity (including sports, work and school), should not drive, and seek medical attention immediately.
Following a concussion, individuals may experience many different signs and symptoms. A symptom is something the athlete will feel, whereas a sign is something friends, family or a coach may notice. It is important to remember that some symptoms may appear right away and some may appear later. No two concussions are the same. The signs and symptoms may be a little different for everyone. Some may be subtle and may go unnoticed by you as the injured person, co-workers, friends and family.
Most concussions recover completely with proper rest and management in a week or two, but concussions that are not diagnosed can lead to long-term and more serious health implications. The first and most important step is to consult a medical doctor, preferably one familiar with concussion management.
There are many potential factors that may help to inform individual diagnosis, concussion management and recovery.
Return to activity while still concussed and experiencing symptoms can lead to more intense symptoms and a prolonged recovery.
Diagnosing a concussion may take several steps. A medical doctor may ask questions about concussion and work/sport history, other recent injuries, and will conduct a physical and neurological exam. This can include checking your memory and concentration, vision, coordination and balance. Further tests may include a CT scan or MRI, but these are rarely necessary to make a clinical diagnosis of concussion. Sometimes the role of neuropsychological testing is important in identifying subtle cognitive (e.g., memory, concentration) problems caused by the concussion and may at times help to plan return to pre-injury activity.
Working under the supervision of a medical doctor, concussed individuals wishing to resume daily activities must follow the graduated stages of recovery as detailed within the “Return to School” (in the case of students) and “Return to Sport” strategies. Concussed individuals should work with their medical doctor to obtain guidance on making a safe and gradual return to school, work and sport activities
It is important to take a preventive approach when dealing with concussions. This is especially true after a recent concussion. Prevention of concussions and head injuries is most successful when teammates and colleagues are properly educated and the safety rules of the working and sporting environment are enforced. Respect for the mutual safety of others must be highlighted. Because concussions are an invisible injury, it is important to share concussion information with others – to inform them of the injury and provide information education on concussions.
Protective equipment can reduce the risk and severity of the head injury. It is important to have a good quality, properly fitted hard hat/helmet for work environments and collision sports. Safety procedures should be mandated on worksites and protective equipment should be certified and well maintained.
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