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Sport Manitoba Performance is one of the province's premiere training fascilities. The Performance Centre offers state-of-the-art equipment and personalized work-out programs for professional and amateur athletes.
Mental, physical, nutritional—hundreds of athletes from over 35 sports use the Performance Centre to take their game to the next level.
And with access to the Teambuildr app, members have flexibility to work-out what they want, where they want—at home or in-person
Our clinic is fully outfitted with modern equipment and professionals from multiple disciplines. The Sport Manitoba Clinic supports a wide spectrum of patients of all ages, from all stages of life.
Sport Manitoba works with dozens of provincial sport organizations across the province to send athletes from Manitoba (Team Toba) to both the Canada Games and the Western Canada Games.
Our sport partners are the organizations that fuel athletics in our province. Without them, we would not have athletes to train, coaches to develop or sporting events to attend.
These partners include but are not limited to: Canadian Sport Centre - Manitoba, Community Sport Alliances, Sport Service Organizations, Manitoba Aboriginal Sport and Recreation Council, Directorat de L'Activité Sportive, Manitoba High Schools Athletic Association, Manitoba Physical Education Teachers Association, universities and over 70 Provincial Sport Organizations.
Women to Watch is a grant program administered by Sport Manitoba and Sport Manitoba Coaching designed to assist young girls and women to further their involvement in their chosen sport.
For more information on scholarships and how to apply, follow the button below.
A program administered by Sport Manitoba, established to support young athletes of Sport Manitoba's partners who continue to participate in amateur sport while pursuing a post-secondary education on a full-time basis. The scholarships are awarded to graduating high school students entering a post-secondary institution and to students in their second or subsequent year in a post-secondary institution.
A bursary presented to four students who have demonstrated a commitment to coaching in Manitoba. Our goal is to encourage students to continue coaching while attending a post-secondary institution. Students who are, or will be, enrolled in the upcoming school term in post-secondary education and currently coaching for a school, club or community centre are invited to submit an application.
One male and one female student coach from the Winnipeg region and one male and one female student from rural Manitoba will be selected to each receive a bursary of $500 to be used toward their tuition.
A scholarship endowment fund that provides financial support for Manitoba's high-performance athletes in their pursuit of excellence at the national and international levels of competition while serving as a tribute to commemorate the Manitoba visit of Her Royal Highness, the Princess Royal in 1999.
The Princess Royal Pan Am Scholarship awards two scholarships per year valued up to $3,000 each to one male and one female high-performance athlete enrolled in a post-secondary institution in Manitoba.
A scholarship program administered by Sport Manitoba is pleased to administer the Fleming Family Hockey Coach Scholarship supported by Jennifer Fleming. Jennifer created the scholarship, in memory of her father Jake Fleming and her brother Wayne Fleming, to recognize an upcoming Manitoba hockey coach who shows similar coaching and leadership traits that were characteristic of both Jake and Wayne.
The scholarship is presented annually to a student(s) who demonstrates a commitment to coaching hockey in Manitoba. The scholarship(s) value may reach up to $1,200 and will be applied to the tuition of the recipient(s). The number and amount of scholarships awarded annually will vary at the discretion of the selection committee based on the depth of applicants.
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