By Neal Prokop, Sport Performance Specialist

Hey Everyone!

We hope that you are doing well, staying healthy, and enjoying time with your family during this unbelievable time around the world. It is challenging for everyone to do all of the things they are used to doing, and going to places they are used to going to.  One thing that we want to make sure of during this time is that you are keeping your immune system strong by continuing to train and eat right. Exercise is a great way to boost energy levels, keep a positive attitude about things, and blow of some steam from being stuck in your house for long periods of time.

Every Wednesday, Sport Manitoba Performance posts a weekly challenge to help get you through the COVID-19 Pandemic. This week’s challenge . . .



Some people use this term to describe how many pounds they think they are going to gain over this period of physical distancing and gym shut downs, but we want to make sure that you are improving your fitness level. It’s our toughest one yet!

There are 15 total exercises, 3 groups of 5 exercises.

There are 15 sets per exercise grouping (15 sets of A’s, 15 sets of B’s, 15 sets of C’s).

Each exercise grouping will take 15 minutes to complete (45 seconds work/15 seconds rest X 5 exercises X 3 sets).

EQUIPMENT NEEDED: body weight, weight plate, dumbbell or medicine ball, TRX or bed sheet.

DIRECTIONS: Complete 3 sets of each block. Remember to start with a 5-10 minute dynamic warm up.



A1. Alternating Rotational Reverse Lunge 45s | Rest 15s

A2. Push Up Lateral Shuffle 45s | Rest 15s

A3. TRX/Towel Inverted Row 45s | Rest 15s

A4. Plank Up/Down 45s | Rest 15s

A5. Jumping Jacks 45s | Rest 15s

Rest 30s and Repeat 3X



B1. Alternating Lateral Lunge with Plate Press 45s | Rest 15s

B2. Yoga Push Up 45s | Rest 15s

B3. Band Pull Aparts 45s or Isometric Towel Pull Aparts 3X10s hold/5s rest | Rest 15s

B4. Alternating Side Plank Holds 45s | Rest 15s

B5. Lateral High Knee Run In Place 45s | Rest 15s

Rest 30s and Repeat 3X



C1. Body Weight Squat 45s | Rest 15s

C2. Hollow Hold (5s) Rollover to Superman (5s) 45s | Rest 15s

C3. Ankle Hops to Tuck Jump 45s | Rest 15s

C4. V-Sit Russian Twist 45s | Rest 15s

C5. Lateral Skater Bound (Heiden’s) 45s | Rest 15s


Here’s a video playlist of every exercise in the workout.


Good Luck! Remember to email us at to let us know how you did. Stay healthy, and happy training!