By Neal Prokop, Sport Performance Specialist

Hey Everyone!

We hope that you are doing well, staying healthy, and enjoying time with your family during this unbelievable time around the world. Exercise is a great way to boost energy levels, keep a positive attitude about things, and blow of some steam from being stuck in your house for long periods of time.

Every Wednesday, Sport Manitoba Performance posts a weekly challenge to help get you through the COVID-19 pandemic. This week’s challenge . . .

Playground Paradise!


Equipment Needed: Outdoor space (soccer field, play structure, park bench), backpack with books packed in it for added load or duffle bag with added load,


* It is time to get outside and enjoy the weather. Head out to your local park or field and give this a try. This challenge will involve alternating strength training with an Every Minute On the Minute (EMOM) speed/conditioning drill between strength blocks.

* Follow the movements in the videos but stick to the tempos listed beside each exercise. As a reminder, tempo is the speed of the contraction. Example, X-X-X means, explosive on the lowering phase, no pause, explosive on the lifting phase.

Good Luck!


A1 Body Weight Step Up with Knee Drive (2-0-1) 4X10/side
A2 Push Ups (pause at the bottom) (2-0-1) 4X10 (regression hands on bench, progression feet elevated on bench)
A3 Backpack Split Stance Diagonal Chop (2-0-X) 4X10/side


B) 5m Death Drill EMOM (30s work/30s rest) 5X


C1) Backpack Overhead Walking Lunges (2-0-1) 4X10/side
C2) Monkey Bar Chin Ups/Inverted Rows (2-0-1) 4X6
C3) Front Plank with Cross Body Drag (2-0-2) 4X10/side


D) 100 Yard Tempo Runs 6X (Run the length of a soccer field at 80% intensity, it should take around 13-15s, rest until the minute is up and go again, repeat for 6 repetitions)


E1) Backpack Jump Squat (X-X-X) 4X10
E2) Lateral Lunge with Backpack Press (2-0-1) 4X6
E3) ½ Kneeling Backpack Diagonal Lift (2-1-1) 4X10/side


F) 5-10-15-10-5 Shuttle Run 5X (Directions) Set up 4 cones or markers every 5m in a straight line. This is basically a short manmaker. Run 5m and back to the start, then 10m and back, then 15m and back, then 10m and back and finish with 5m and back. Rest until the minute is up and go again. Repeat for 5 minutes (5 reps).


You can view a full list of the videos below.


Good Luck! Remember to email us at to let us know how you did. Stay healthy, and happy training!

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A1) Body Weight Step Up with Knee Drive (2-0-1) 4X10/side

A2) Push Ups – (2-0-1) 4X10

A3) Backpack Split Stance Diagonal Chop (2-0-X) 4X10/side

B) 5m Death Drill EMOM (30s work/30s rest) 5X

C1) Backpack Overhead Walking Lunges (2-0-1) 4X10/side

C2) Monkey Bar Chin Ups/Inverted Rows (2-0-1) 4X6

C3) Front Plank with Cross Body Drag (2-0-2) 4X10/side

E1) Backpack Jump Squat (X-X-X) 4X10

E2) Lateral Lunge with Backpack Press (2-1-1) 4X10/side

E3) ½ Kneeling Backpack Diagonal Lift (2-1-1) 4X10/side