Search for: night of champions

Basketball sisters Kyulin and Izzy Fust are excited to be competing together at the 2022 Canada Summer Games in Niagara. The sisters are not taking the experience at Games for granted, as they know that not many siblings get the opportunity to compete alongside each other. Playing in a team sport also means the girls…

    During a night off at a tournament in Minneapolis, Team Toba baseball athletes kicked back with a mini golf tournament and team dinner. Ending in a tie, they continued with a tiebreaker in the hotel with a trophy for the winning team. Turns out, bonding and having fun off the field ignited their…

Sport Manitoba is on a journey to ensure every Manitoban has the opportunity to play sport with the chance to compete at the highest level of their ability.  In partnership with over 100 provincial and community organizations, we’re committed to supporting and encouraging this journey. There is no place for homophobia, biphobia, or transphobia in…

With tryouts for provincial team prospects last month, and training programs and tournaments around the corner, tennis athletes are serving up their best as they get in the zone for the Canada Summer Games. Tennis Manitoba Executive Director Mark Arndt and Head Coach Jared Connell talk the Team Toba tennis journey leading up to their…

As I write this, I am sitting in front of my TV watching the Olympic Games, excited to watch elite athletes compete on the world stage and show their talent, resilience, and hard work after a very trying year.   These athletes had their Olympic experience postponed last year, and when you spend your life, especially…

Many people benefit from massage therapy. From gardeners, to drivers, office workers, to teachers; massage brings relief to almost everyone. Athletes, however, can reap the rewards of a good massage more than anyone. This article is written specifically for athletes, whether you play a weekly pick-up basketball game, or just got back from competing at…

It’s 5 a.m. and your alarm goes off. You get dressed, warm your car up and head out the door. On your way to the rink, you grab a cup of coffee from Tim’s… and maybe a donut, too. For many of you, this is your life as a hockey parent. Or, at one point,…

The Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba (IRCOM) is a local organization whose mission strives to empower newcomer families to integrate into the wider community through affordable transitional housing, programs and services.  This year, they partnered with Sport Manitoba Performance to bring virtual programming to IRCOM youth through nutrition and performance education and physical…

I love feeling sore after a good workout… as though it’s my body’s way of telling me “good work”. It’s a masochistic badge of honor when something simple like climbing the stairs, or sitting down hurts. Have you ever wondered though, if you’re feeling too sore? It’s normal to feel sore after a workout; when…

You may have noticed the KidSport Manitoba roster has grown quite a bit this year! Over the past few months, we have introduced new ambassadors to KidSport Manitoba, and we thought you should have the chance to get to know them better. Our ambassadors play a big role with KidSport and within our communities to…