
How are Honoured Members chosen?

The people of Manitoba are the only ones with the power to choose Honoured Members. The people inducted into the Hall of Fame are individuals whose names have been submitted by nomination to an independent Selection Committee.

Anyone, except Hall of Fame staff and board members, can submit a nomination for induction. The selection committee considers nominations from the current year as well as unsuccessful nominations from three years prior.

A Veteran Selection Committee will also review nominees whose careers were completed over 40 years ago and make recommendations to the independent Selection Committee if they find deserving individuals and teams being overlooked by their younger counterparts in the process.

Nominate a deserving individual or team by completing our form below and submitting it to by Friday, April 4, 2025, at 5 pm.



All candidates presented to the Selection Committee are eligible for three years, after which time a nomination must be re-submitted. Nominees can be submitted in one of four categories: athlete, builder, athlete/builder, and team.

All candidates must have represented sport with distinction in athletic competition either in or out of Manitoba and brought great credit to the sport; An Athlete must have been born in Manitoba, or have resided in Manitoba during the period for which outstanding performance is claimed.

A builder is an individual who has been active in any capacity serving sport, such as a coach, trainer, media, administrator, manager, or official/referee. A Builder must have demonstrated outstanding service to sport over several years in one or more sports, and be born in Manitoba, resided here during the period for which the individual’s outstanding contribution is claimed.

An individual in this category has made outstanding contributions to their sport(s) as both a competitor and builder. We will recognize those individuals as outstanding athletes AND for their contribution, leadership and abilities in the development of sport as builders. Candidates must fulfill the requirements of both Athlete and Builder categories to be recognized in this area.

This category recognizes outstanding accomplishments of Manitoba teams, either in a single year or over multiple years. Candidates must have represented a sport with distinction in athletic competition, either in or out of Manitoba, and have brought great credit to the sport.

Supporting documents
All nominations, where possible, should be submitted with documentation that supports the nomination. Supporting documents can include press clippings, testimonials, and other prepared data. Please submit these documents electronically alongside your completed nomination form.


Nomination Forms
Download a Nomination Form (English)
Download a Nomination Form (French)