By Sarah Tone, Communications Coordinator

Team Manitoba’s gymnasts competed in artistic and trampoline events this week at the 2023 Canada Winter Games. Both teams reflected positively on their performances and each of the athletes was very excited to have had this experience. Here’s what they had to say:

Artistic Gymnastics

“We are Team Toba! We’re mighty and tough! We are the gymnasts and we’re really, really buff! Herd, Unite!”

Teammates Alisa Campomanes (17, Winnipeg) and Kailyn Rozecki (16, Oak Bluff, MB) have participated in gymnastics for 13 years, with as early an introduction to the sport as tot classes.

“My mom and I were in Mom and me classes when I was 18 months old at the YMCA,” says Alisa. 

Both athletes train and compete at Springers Gymnastics in Winnipeg, and are here at the Canada Games for the first time.

“We’re all very excited to compete. I’m most excited for floor, because I love to show off my dance,” says Alisa. 

“I’m really excited for the whole team. We’ve been working so hard, especially back home we’ve been training together a lot. I’m excited to watch all the sports and continue my Canada Games experience,” added Kailyn. 

Unlike other gymnastics competitions, this multi-sport event allows participants to check out other sports, be introduced to new sports, and meet athletes from all across the country who play those different sports. One of the easiest ways to get to know the other kids? Pin trading. 

“My Canada Games experience has been amazing so far. The staff and everyone has been super kind to us and welcoming. I really love pin trading,” says Alisa. 

“This has been a surreal experience, flying out to PEI, I’ve never been to the east coast before, and being with the team, and seeing all the other sports and athletes has been amazing,” added Kailyn. 



Trampoline team members Declyn Friesen (18, Grunthal), Lane Peters (16, Steinbach), Benjamin Pinsk (17, Winnipeg), and Olivia Sivilay (14, Winnipeg) hunted for pins, supported other teams, and came together just like one big family here at the 20223 Canada Winter Games. 

Olivia is the youngest and newest member of the trampoline team, and she raved about the cohesion and her experience so far. 

“Everyone here is like a big community. So that’s really nice to be put into, and having everyone accepting me as like this new member and they’re all very nice.” 

“It’s super cool to see how sport brings everyone together and we’re all here having fun doing the things we love,” added Declyn.

On the overall experience, the athletes were quick to show their appreciation for the hard-working volunteers.

“I think it’s pretty amazing to see how well this event is organized. All the volunteers are amazing – they spend hours making food for hundreds of athletes also, they made bacon, which is amazing. It’s so well done and it’s a fantastic competition that I have not seen anything like ever,” said Lane. 

Ben agreed, and added that the competition was exciting, and his goals were simple, to show up and try his best. 

“I managed to do the best routine I’ve done yet, and I even had to fight through a very persistent mental blocks to get here, so I’m very proud of myself.”