Sport Manitoba is pleased to offer individualized specific strength programs and training sessions. These programs focus on developing both upper and lower body strength to help enhance speed, reaction, body control, and rotary power.
The programs include injury preventative exercises that are mindful of mobility, shoulder health, and common muscle imbalances that often develop from a high volume of practice and competition. The sessions can be purchased individually or as a small group.
Semi-private training is intended for athletes that have some experience with strength and conditioning, but require a program, monitoring, cueing, and/or access to an athlete-focused training facility.
Performance coaches will assist and lead athletes through their individualized workouts and programs. Athletes will receive an individual TeamBuildr* training account to complete their workouts, allowing our Performance Specialists the ability to view workloads, track progress, and customize the programs.
Personal training is intended for athletes that have little experience with strength and conditioning, and will require significant technical coaching. The goal is to eventually transfer the athlete to semi-private monitoring once an adequate level of skill has been reached.
Performance coaches will work one-on-one with the athlete to assist and lead them through their individualized workouts and programs. Athletes will receive an individual TeamBuildr training account to complete their workouts, allowing our Performance Specialists the ability to view workloads, track progress, and customize the programs.
The small group option is intended for a group of athletes that are at a similar level of fitness and strength experience, require a program, coaching, and access to an athlete-focused training space. Performance coaches will lead the group through a sport-specific workout.
All athletes will receive an individual TeamBuildr training account to complete their workouts, which allows our Performance Specialists the ability to view workloads, track progress, and customize the programs.
1x week - $30.00/session
2x week - $25.00/session
3x week - $20.00/session
1x week - $70.00/hour
2x week - $65.00/hour
3x week - $60.00/hour
1x week - $109.50/hour
2x week - $99.50/hour
3x week - $89.50/hour