By Nolan Kowal, Sport Performance Specialist

Hi! Our Fit Kids Healthy Kids team is back with some more great suggestions on how to keep you and your family active during this challenging time.

Here is what we have for you this week:


Bean Bag Body Balance is a simple game you can play at your home. All you need is a bean bag and some motivation to improve your balance!

Pow Bag allows you to practice your martial arts skills! Fill up a pillowcase with old newspapers or bubble wrap, hang it from your doorway and start kicking and punching!


GoNoodle Games is packed with fast-paced mini activities that get kids jumping and dodging obstacles in an effort to earn points. Download it here.


Why not relax and listen to a podcast aimed at meditation using characters kids already love including Toy Story and The Lion King? It’s called Honeybee Kids.


Follow along with the daily workouts live-streamed by Joe Wicks on YouTube, tailored towards kids.

Well, that’s all we’ve got for now. Remember now is not the time to get lazy, it’s the time to be more active than ever!

Stay safe.

As always, a big thank you to Doctors Manitoba for their tremendous support of the Fit Kids Healthy Kids program.