Submitting a Complaint to your Provincial Sport Organization
All Sport Manitoba-recognized Provincial Sport Organizations are required to have a discipline and complaint policy. This policy identifies their processes to address and resolve disputes, as well as identifying how complaints can be reported. We recommend you visit your association’s website to find a copy of their policy or contact them directly.
What to Include in a Complaint?
When submitting a complaint/dispute, if the policy does not identify the information that should be included, its recommended you be about the following:
- The party who is making the complaint/submitting the dispute
- The party being complained about/who made the decision being disputed
- The reason for the complaint/dispute
- Indicate specifically what has been breached and how
- Any evidence that proves the breach
- The suggest remedy (what outcome the complainant wants)
Disputes are a substantial drain on the sport sector in Manitoba, absorbing time, money and energy that sport organizations could otherwise invest to increase quality and participation in sport and physical activity across the province. If a sport participant has a challenge or disagreement with a PSO’s policy application, decision-making, or unresolved issue, they can submit this matter to Sport Manitoba for review and assistance in settling the dispute.
Sport Manitoba has engaged Sport Law to provide support to provincial sport organizations, with the aim to minimize the impact and the severity of disputes within our sport community. Sport Law can provide a range of legal services for our sport organizations, services which may include facilitating discussions to allow the parties of a dispute to communicate more effectively and work toward an accepted agreement. Sport can also assist organizations navigate the disciplinary, appeal, or other legal process.
Sport Manitoba may cover a set amount/up to three hours (or dollar amount) of legal support for sport organizations.
Sport Law
Sport Law has been providing strategic, legal, and leadership services to sport organizations at the community, provincial/territorial, and national level since 1992. Now, in partnership with Sport Manitoba, they are creating a more holistic path forward to ensure a safe, welcoming, and positive sport experience for all participants.