Professional Development
for Coaches

The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) was launched in 1974 to give coaches the confidence to succeed. The program has constantly evolved over the years to stay at the forefront of delivering programs that respect the principles and science of long-term athlete development, while also reflecting the changes within Canadian sport - from the science of training, to competition strategy and tactics, to the athletes themselves.

Sport Manitoba’s community recognizes the value of having certified NCCP coaches that are engaged in Professional Development programs which reinforce the values of lifelong learning and sharing in the coaching community.

Professional Development Workshops

Sport Manitoba Coaching has a menu of sessions and topics that we can deliver across the province, both NCCP and non-NCCP, to help provide education to all coaches in Manitoba. Sessions can vary in length from 90 minutes to six hours. All of our sessions also meet the Coach Association of Canada Professional Development requirements for certification maintenance. Click here for a complete listing of Professional Development (PD) offered by Sport Manitoba Coaching .

Maintenance of Certification

Click here to find answers to questions such as "why do I need to maintain my certification?" and "how many PD points do I have?" and "how can I accumulate points?"

Please view the list of the point value association with each type of Professional Development opportunities 

Professional Development Courses offered by the Coaching Association of Canada  (CAC)

The Coaching Association of Canada offers a variety of online courses that are open for anyone to take as part of their coach education or as part of their Maintenance of Certification.

See below a sample of Coaching Association of Canada Professional Development courses available.  Please click here to view the full listing of available professional development courses.

Courses available:

  • NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport - The Coach Initiation in Sport online module is designed as an important introduction to the key coaching concepts and educational tools that are the foundation of the NCCP.
    Click here to learn more or to take the course.
  • NCCP Making Headway in Sport - Designed to help you gain the knowledge and skills required to ensure the safety of your athletes, these NCCP Professional Development modules will make you concussion smart!
    Click here to learn more or to take the course.
  • NCCP Coaching Athletes with a Disability - Coaching Athletes with a Disability NCCP training provides coaches with the knowledge to deliver quality and positive sport experiences for athletes, specifically to those with behavioural, intellectual, physical, and sensory disabilities.
    Click here to take the course.
  • NCCP Creating a Positive Sport Environment - Explores the characteristics and benefits of participant-centered coaching. Coaches who complete this module will be prepared to identify and prevent maltreatment in sport. They will also learn to apply positive coaching strategies to create a safe and inclusive sport culture that fosters learning and athletic development.
    Click here to take the course.