Advanced Coaching Diploma
Discover the diploma programs and comprehensive educational opportunities available through the National Coaching Institute.
We offer training programs for coaches to get their necessary provincial and national certifications. These programs are designed to for community coaches, and competitive coaches, and instructors.
Sport Manitoba Coaching believes in being proactive in ensuring sport in our province is safe and welcoming for all participants. Respect in Sport (RiS) helps us promote those values through a simple and convenient online training course for coaches and sport leaders.
The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) is the recognized national standard for coach training and certification in Canada. Each year, more than 50,000 coaches take an NCCP course.
A series of NCCP and non-NCCP professional development programs are available to all levels of coaches across Manitoba.
Discover the diploma programs and comprehensive educational opportunities available through the National Coaching Institute.
Sport Manitoba Coaching is committed to working with regional partners to create coaching academies designed to bring professional development opportunities to rural coaches.
Compared to other athletes, high-performance athletes tend to have...
National Coaches Week encourages Canadians to say thanks and celebrate the tremendous positive impact coaches have on athletes and communities. This week is an opportunity to recognize coaches for the integral role they play by simply saying #ThanksCoach. Sport Manitoba Coaching’s National Coaches Week Schedule Sept. 16 & 17, 2024 – NCCP Psychology…