By Mariana Echeverri Alvarez, Communications Coordinator

Leading up to the 2025 Canada Summer Games, we are featuring the dedicated coaches who spend countless hours giving back to sport. Let’s get to know male’s lacrosse coach, Cruz Jimenez!


How long have you been coaching this sport?

14 years


Why did you become a coach?

I wanted to give back to the sport and community. 


What is your coaching philosophy?

I believe instilling confidence for your athlete and giving them the tools they need in order to succeed is crucial, but helping that person grow and mature as an individual is the key to success.


What are your personal coaching goals beyond the Canada Games?

Coach for Team Mexico Lacrosse. Having family and relatives from Mexico I want to help grow the game down South.


What has been your biggest accomplishment as a coach?

Being a part of the 2022 U15 Manitoba male lacrosse coaching staff, where our team captured bronze in Langley.


What do you prioritize in your teams training program?

Compete level. Everyone comes ready to learn/work. 


What do you value most in a Canada Games athlete?

Willingness to buy into our system and training program.


What are the team goals for the 2025 Canada Games?
Any advice for Team Toba athletes?

Don’t take this opportunity for granted. Leave it all out on the floor. 


What are you most looking forward to for the 2025 Games?

Seeing all the top athletes in Canada compete in their respective sport. The best of the best. What more could you ask for?