Category: Performance

Speed skater Tyson Langelaar trained at Sport Manitoba Performance on his way to earning a spot on the national team.    

We all know the importance of training when you’re an athlete. Whether it’s individual or team practices that allow you to work on your sport-specific skills, or strength training in a gym that helps you improve all areas of athletic performance, training is a key piece to performing your best. But there’s a key piece…

  Athletes and coaches, are you thinking of using the deadlift to reach the next level in your sport? Here are some things to consider: The deadlift typically refers to lifting a “dead” or motionless weight off the floor. Deadlifting conventionally has been done with a barbell but other pieces of equipment can also be…

Sport Manitoba Performance hosted Manitoba’s only para-sport testing combine on December 14, giving participants the baseline knowledge necessary to improve their overall fitness and performance. “This combine is a big part of how we aim to develop athletes and make sport accessible in our diverse sport community,” said Sport Manitoba President & CEO Jeff Hnatiuk. “It…

According to the American Heart Association, “a good warm-up before a workout dilates your blood vessels, ensuring that your muscles are well supplied with oxygen.”[1] Your body will need the increased amount of blood and oxygen in order to carry you through an intense session or game. Failing to warm-up can result in poorer performance…

At some point in our lives, most of us have taken part in sport. Whether it’s as an individual or as part of a team, through our local clubs or schools, or maybe even as part of a provincial or national team. At Sport Manitoba, we support all individuals of all ages and abilities to…

Different sport situations have different energy demands. In some situations, energy must be supplied very quickly for the muscles to produce high-intensity results. In others, energy does not have to be provided at as high of a rate, but must be supplied over a longer period of time. There are 3 Energy Systems: 1. Anaerobic…