Category: Performance

As you master the standing pallof press, try adding a bit of movement to challenge your body, or work your way to the ground to become less stationary. These progressions and adjustments will refresh the exercise and ensure you’re making the most of this anti-rotation essential!   #1 – Pallof Press Circles     #2…

Welcome to Part II of our Need for Speed Blog. Hopefully, you have been working on your linear speed drills to improve your acceleration and top end straight ahead speed. Today, we are going to talk about the other aspects of speed that help athletes react to plays, move in multiple directions quickly and efficiently…

One of the most versatile pieces you’ll find in the gym is the landmine attachment. It attaches to a barbell, and acts as a ground based rotational training device that can target the entire body. It requires control, adds an anti-rotation component, and often requires stability. All come together to challenge the body considerably. Furthermore,…

Carries train the lower and upper back, legs, shoulders and stabilizing muscles of the core. They challenge a variety of muscles and require head-to-toe tension, often a pre-requisite for explosive performance. They also improve a weak-spot for most developing athletes.. grip strength! Here are six carries that you can try mixing into your workout!  Even…

I want to be faster…this is a common goal for athletes when a strength coach asks what are your goals for your off-season training program. Everyone wants to be faster as an athlete but there are several different components to speed development that we need to consider before we can get “faster” and getting faster…

  Welcome to our ongoing Monthly Workout Series!   If you want to train like some of our athletes, these workouts are for you!  With the COVID-19 pandemic, the April and May edition features ‘home-based’ exercises and workouts that can be done with minimal equipment.   This month’s trio of workouts feature a general resistance…

Hi everyone! This is a workout popularized by CrossFit and is named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy.  I have to admit that there are many things about CrossFit that I do not agree with but this workout consists of exercises that are pretty common and this is fairly balanced in that it has upper body…

I have to admit it, I am not very original.  I stole this title, well part of it anyways from the book, Jumping Into Plyometrics written by Strength and Conditioning legend, Dr. Donald Chu and it was one of my go to books as a young Strength and Conditioning coach to help my athletes improve…

Hey everyone! We hope that you are doing well, staying healthy, and enjoying time with your family during this unbelievable time around the world. Exercise is a great way to boost energy levels, keep a positive attitude about things, and blow of some steam from being stuck in your house for long periods of time….

Athletes need to be able to generate rotation. Whether it is shooting a puck, swinging a bat, a golf club, or spiking a volleyball. Having a strong core that can transfer power between the lower and upper body can help take your skills to new levels. Even if you are are aiming for quickness and…