Category: Hall of Fame

Ancient Wrestling Wrestling, or Palé, as the ancient Greeks called it, has been a staple at the Olympics since the beginning. Milo of Croton, a wrestler from what is now southern Italy, was the crème de la crème of the sport at the time. He won six Olympiads and was described by many ancient sources…

Not-So-Ancient Spectacle  Oh, do we have a dandy story for you! A spectacle held every four years, the Olympics bring together the best amateur and professional athletes from around the world to compete for the glory and rarity that is the Olympic gold. Many athletes train their whole lives for this  opportunity and understand that…

The Starting Gate Our gallery at 145 Pacific Avenue opened back in October of 2012 with excitement and vigour. We had a brand new 3,000 sq. ft. facility to showcase and celebrate sport, as well as a state-of-the-art archival storage room to collect and preserve our history. Since then, we’ve displayed many artefacts, hosted numerous…

Background Noise FORE!  As a not-so-avid golfer, that’s a word you’ll hear quite often coming out of my mouth. Whether it’s a twilight round at Tuxedo Golf Course or a simple niner at the Canoe Club, people know to watch out when I’m on the tee.  The same cannot be said for the 1962 Manitoba…

Blue-42, Blue-42, HUT, HUT, HUT. It’s highly unlikely that this was the quarterback signal call for the Blue Bombers back in the 50s when Jack Jacobs was the team’s starting quarterback. In fact, it comes from a popular 90s movie, Ace Ventura Pet Detective. In this movie, an all-time great QB, Dan Marino of the…

It’s 5 a.m. and your alarm goes off. You get dressed, warm your car up and head out the door. On your way to the rink, you grab a cup of coffee from Tim’s… and maybe a donut, too. For many of you, this is your life as a hockey parent. Or, at one point,…

  There is no harder hitting game in the world today than football. I’m sure there would be some people who would disagree with this statement, some might say it is rugby. In football, however, players tend to throw caution to the wind knowing they have safety equipment on. Imagine a linebacker measuring up a…

Ralph Lyndon (Multi-Sport Athlete)   Last but not least from our 2020 Induction class is Ralph Lyndon. Chosen by our veteren selection committee, Ralph was a talented multi-sport athlete who excelled in hockey, lacrosse and football. Born in 1935, it wasn’t until his early teens that Ralph really started to get recognized for his talent. …

The Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame has only had three volunteer Selection Committee Chairs in its 41+ years of operation: Terry Hind throughout the 80s and 90s, Dennis Nord in the 90s and well into the 2000s, and Blake Fitzpatrick for much of the past decade and a half.  Blake, who’s the Secretary-treasurer of Maple…

Stop the presses, everyone! The Elmwood Millionaires have done it. They have won the Memorial Cup, the most prestigious amateur club trophy in all of Canada!  This is what the papers probably should have written back in 1931 when the Millionaires staked their claim as Canada’s best. With their backs against the wall, they persevered…