Category: Fitness Centre

Whether it’s getting up off a chair or getting down to play with your kids, the squat is one of the most functional movements we do as humans. Babies and kids naturally have the range and ability to do this with perfect positioning (and no pain). But as we age and our lifestyles change, we…

In our Intro to Foam Rolling blog, we talked about how foam rolling is great to do before a workout to prepare your body for movement. It’s also an effective tool in preventing injury. In this blog, we’ll share some specific rolling moves you can try to target different parts of the body. Perform each…

Push-ups are a great thing to work on when you have limited equipment and space. They are beneficial for building upper body strength, and when done with proper form, they can also strengthen the lower back and core.  Here are some tips on proper technique and how to progress and build on your strength.  …

There is plenty of information out there telling you that ‘carbs are the enemy,’ but I encourage you to change that mindset! Carbohydrates are used primarily for energy, and excess is first stored in the muscles and liver to be used later for things such as energy production, regulating blood glucose and insulin metabolism, and…

What are Macronutrients? Macronutrients are nutrients that we require in large amounts.  There are three kinds: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Each macronutrient plays a specific role in the body and helps provide the energy required to maintain bodily functions – basically, they keep us moving and grooving! This post focuses on fats, why they’re important,…

Whether in your basement, backyard, or living room, training efficiently doesn’t mean you need a lot of equipment or space. This fun and challenging Kettlebell (KB) Complex workout is very effective and can be done at your gym or at home. If you don’t have a rower available, feel free to swap it out for…

What is Foam Rolling? Foam rolling is a form of myofascial release technique for the connective tissues. It helps release any tight spots, knots or trigger points you may have in your muscles. When you hold or roll pressure on these spots with a foam roller, you should feel the pressure releasing as the knot…

Now that gyms have closed, make sure your home workouts don’t get stale. Try these alternative workout ideas!   EMOM This is a fun way to incorporate strength and conditioning in one quick workout. EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) is a CrossFit-inspired workout. The beauty of this style of program is that you can…

Our Fitness Centre Manager Giulia De Leo and our two Sport Performance Specialists Jeff Wood and Neal Prokop stop by to offer advice to people who are working out at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

For some of you, your work space has moved into your home and you may be wondering how to best maintain your work-life balance. Here are a few tips that you can try:   1) Keep your work space separate   The best practice is to have a separate room dedicated to your home office….