Category: Fitness Centre

Have you ever wanted to try a piece of gym equipment, but felt intimidated by it? When I first started strength training, I was intimidated to use the barbells and squat racks, because I assumed it was meant for advanced lifters. I didn’t want to embarrass myself trying to figure out how to step it…

If you’re looking for an intense workout to increase your endurance, give this pyramid workout a try.   What is a Pyramid Workout? The pyramid workout is a full-body workout with minimal rest and targets every muscle group in the body, including your quads, hamstrings, shoulders, chest, back and core. There are a total of…

Pull-ups are a great compound exercise to strengthen the upper body and core. However, the idea of lifting your entire body weight can be a daunting task.  But fear not! This blog will guide you through the progression to doing a standard pull-up.   A Standard Pull-up A standard pull-up is performed by grabbing a…

Adding a mini band to your workout can help strengthen your stabilizer muscles, which are important muscles for good posture and balance. They work to “stabilize” the body and help protect joints, too.  How does this small but effective piece of equipment do this? By adding resistance to the muscles around the band. Target Your…

Has anyone ever told you that strength training is dangerous, will make you bulky, or that you must feel pain to gain results?  If you’ve ever heard these statements or similar ones, they are false! These myths lead to many people over-training or avoiding strength training altogether.  The truth is, strength training can be beneficial…

Everyday we engage in a variety of activities, such as shopping and cooking, that necessitate all sorts of physical movements, like reaching, twisting, and bending.  To do these tasks, our bodies have to work in one of three different planes of movement, or in a combination of these planes.  It is important that we are…

Have you ever had one of those days where you can’t be bothered to spend 45 minutes to an hour in the gym? Or, maybe you simply just don’t have the time some days. If so, HIIT is for you!    What is HIIT? High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is a form of circuit…

Over the past two years, you might have felt stuck inside your house more than usual, especially during cold winters.  However, we can prevent sedentary behaviour by staying active indoors.  Sedentary behaviour refers to physically inactive behaviours that require very little energy. We can engage in sedentary behaviour by sitting or lying down for prolonged…

Yoga can be described as a combined blend of physical exercise, breath work, relaxation, and overall harmony of the body, mind, and environment. With all these things working at once it can take some practice to get comfortable with and can be quite intimidating to get started.  After ten years of participation, practice, and now…

It can be difficult to maintain a healthy gym routine. When life gets busy often the first thing people choose to cut out is their workouts. In this process, we lose accountability, motivation, and sight of the goals we have set out for ourselves.  Working out with a gym buddy can help you avoid these…