By Mariana Echeverri Alvarez, Communications Coordinator


Common misunderstandings about posture, MRIs, CT scans, and pain can lead people to prolong their recovery. Let’s explore three myths that can be affecting your journey to wellness and learn the truths behind them.


Myth #1: There’s such a thing as perfect posture.


  • No posture is better than others.
  • What matters is how long you spend in each posture.
  • Holding a perfectly straight or slouched posture for multiple hours will make your body equally tired and sore.
  • Maintaining a “good” posture doesn’t reduce back pain or injury risks and can sometimes be more painful than other postures if held for long periods.


  • Change postures throughout the day regularly.
  • Use a sit-to-stand desk.
  • Set a timer for stretch breaks throughout the day.
  • Walk during coffee/lunch breaks, etc.


Myth #2: You need to have an MRI or CT scan if you have pain.


  • While MRIs and CT scans are essential medical tools and can help diagnose some cases, they are not always required.
  • Suppose someone experiences a trauma (e.g., car accidents, falls, etc.) and a more significant injury such as a ligament/tendon tear or head injury is suspected. In that case, getting an MRI is often required.
  • Imaging is not often required in cases of general pain, such as a sore shoulder or knee with no particular trauma.
  • It is very common for changes to show up on imaging that are not the cause of the pain.
  • Studies have been done where healthy people with no pain undergo imaging, and various conditions, such as disc herniations, ligament/tendon tears, and arthritis, are present but do not cause any discomfort. These are known as incidental findings.
  • Therefore, we can’t always conclude that imaging findings are the root cause of pain, even for people in pain.


  • Assessment and treatment from skilled health professionals are all you need to help address aches and pains.


Myth #3: All pain is physical.


  • Pain is a subjective experience and can be experienced differently by different people.
  • While pain can just be physical, it is well documented in research there are multiple factors that contribute to someone experiencing pain.
  • Things such as stress, mental health, sleep, and nutrition can all affect the level and type of pain felt.

For example, stress has the potential to cause headaches and gastrointestinal issues, just as it can increase musculoskeletal aches and pains.


By understanding these myths better, a more straightforward path to wellness emerges. Remember, perfect posture isn’t a cure-all, imaging isn’t always needed, and pain has many factors. Armed with this understanding, you can confidently navigate a journey to well-being, embracing a balanced approach that considers both physical and mental health.


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