By Mariana Echeverri Alvarez, Communications Coordinator

Leading up to the 2025 Canada Summer Games, we are featuring the dedicated coaches who spend countless hours giving back to sport. Let’s get to know women’s baseball (WIC Apprentice Coach), Katie Heppner!


How long have you been coaching this sport?

2 years at the provincial level. 


Why did you become a coach?

I played Team Manitoba Baseball for 10 years and now I want to give back to the teams that allowed me to have such an amazing experience and career. I want to pass along all the knowledge and skills I learned to the next generations coming up.


What is your coaching philosophy?

To develop athletes into the best player and person they can be, while being able to compete successfully at the highest level. Keeping the sport enjoyable to have athletes stay involved for a long time.


What has been your biggest accomplishment as a coach?

Being named to the Team Manitoba Women’s Baseball coaching staff, while women’s baseball makes its debut in the Canada Games.


What do you prioritize in your teams training program?

Try to be as well rounded as possible. Baseball is a game of failure so to have a short memory and move on to ensure you make the next play is crucial.


What do you value most in a Canada Games athlete?

Someone who is passionate about the game and strives to get better, while carrying themselves in a respectful manner.


Who is your favourite professional athlete and why?

Nicklas Lidstrom because he was a tremendous leader and could be a game-changer every time he was on the ice. He also had so much knowledge about his craft.


What are the team goals for the 2025 Canada Games?

Showcase the talent Manitoba has and bring home a medal.