
Dance & Yoga Instructor

Tracy has been a practitioner of yoga for 12 years and a dancer for over 20. As health & wellness became her central focus, Tracy shifted her attention solely to positive energy, proper alignment and balance of the body and mind. Dedicated to providing a variety of programs to help ensure a safe and fun fitness practice that suits different needs, Tracy teaches the Hatha Yoga, Barre and Hip Hop Fitness programs offered at Sport Manitoba. Devoted to helping people obtain and surpass their personal health and wellness goals, Tracy enjoys working with people of all walks of life in class or private sessions. She completed her yoga certification in Dharamshala, India and traveled to New York and Toronto to expand her knowledge on dance.

Tracy Tomchuk

Key Resistance Band Exercises to Boost Your Strength

Functional core movements play a role in making your...

Podcast Episode: At-Home Activities

Our Fitness Centre Manager Giulia De Leo and our...

Summer Solstice Karma Class

June 21 is a special day for many reasons...

News Post

What Are The 3 Planes of Movement And Why Are They Important?

Everyday we engage in a variety of activities, such as shopping and cooking, that necessitate all sorts of physical movements, like reaching, twisting, and bending.  To do these tasks, our bodies have to work in one of three different planes of movement, or in a combination of these planes.  It is important that we are…